I have a problem with checking checkbox value submitted from indexed form. The
jsp displays a list of items, each list has a checkbox, so it goes like this:
<form-bean name="PartItemForm" type="org.apache.struts.validator.DynaValidatorActionForm">
<form-property name="part" type="com.leonardo.oms.PartItem[]"></form-property>
When this form is submitted, all the checkbox values always have "false" value even though I have selected some of the checkboxes.
I have seen these comments from the mailing list, but none helps me:
1. Have to set the checkbox in the reset() method, but In my case I don't have a form file since I defined the form declaratively in the struts-config file.
2. Use boolean type for the checkbox. PartSelected property is a boolean type.
3. Use a hidden field, then I am gonna have to use javascript to set the hidden value everytime user clicks that checkbox.
I am sure this is a pretty common web application scenarios that
Struts should be able to handle.
Please give me hints on how to approach this problems.