Samanthi perera wrote:how to get administrative form on jboss ?
As we get localhost/808 0 on tomcat?
If JBoss is installed as per the defaults, then it should be listening on port 8080 of localhost, so the following URL should get you to the server:Is that working? Do you get the JBoss page at that URL?
That page should include a section with links to the various installed administrative consoles.
Now it is running.
1)anyway can you tell me how to change the 8080 port number to other one?
2)When i am trying to log in it asks me username and password.I don't know what to put.
I use username=Admin and password=adminadmin .nOT WORKING
1) See 2) Which URL? I am going to assume http://localhost:8080/admin-console since that is the only thing I know that requires a login. Try user admin and password admin. (Did you read the readme file? It points you to the release notes for the admin console and those notes provide the default login info.)
Are you by any chance using JBoss EAP 5?
Also, do NOT CLICK on run.bat. Instead, open a Command Prompt window, cd to the bin directory, and enter run.bat. Also, I recommend changing the buffer size of the Command Prompt window to a larger value (mine is at 9000 lines).