posted 14 years ago
I changed the pixels in div_logo in order to make room for my image in the first place, that is what threw everything off in the first place. I guess I should have mentioned that.
It is definitely not any of the css I posted above there, I put height:800px; in each item there and further below and it did not affect the area I needed it to. I am not ure what else to try now. Maybe I should just find a new default template that will accommodate a larger image
edit - here is the rest of the css file I did not try to alter, it stopped being worth trying after going through that much of it
edit 2 - well I commented out three elements in a different css file (header, header_l, and header_r) and that got rid of the top image, leaving only that bottom grey line. Looks better, at least looks somewhat intentional now. For a class project I can live with it
True wisdom is in knowing you know nothing - Socrates