and now about the network problem
let's assume you are connected to the Net via DSL.
Event hough this connection is durable your provider
probably issues you a new IP address every now and then.
Unless you are using a static IP address from your ISP or
dynamic DNS the IP address your friends use to connect
will change.
So this is how we can get to your front door.
Then there is the firewall.
You say it works from your laptop. So I assume you are connecting
from your laptop to a 192.168.x.x or 10.x.x.x address.
These are private addresses and cannot be routed to the Net.
You will have to enable port forwarding on the firewall for port 5323 and
have it pointing to the IP address you can connect from your laptop.
This should be the same address used by your server ("myIpAddress").
Hope that helps