I am trying to deploy a MDB application onto
JBoss 5.1.0 instance. The MDB in discussion has a timer associated with it. I am seeing two issues that I am trying to get to the root of:
1. The messages that I am sending from a ServletContextListener implementation are not being received by the MDB. I do not see any exceptions in the server log file, but in looking at the admin console, I see that the message count on the queue is not going up either, making me think that either the counter on the console is buggy, or really my messages are not being delivered. What is annoying is that JBoss is silent about it, does not want to give any error!
2. The MDB has a timer associated with it. The way I have defined the timer is that it should fire the first time 5 minutes after the timer is setup, and then every 30 minutes. The purpose of sending the message from the ServletContextListener implementation above is to initialize/setup the timer. Unfortunately, although as i note above, the messages i am sending are not being processed, but, strangely enough, the method that is annotated as @Timeout does fire up immediately on deployment. Why is this happening.
For problem #1 above, I think it has something to do with the way I have set up my queue and how I am mapping the queue inside the ServletContextListener and the MDB setup itself. I have tried many combos, but all in vain.
For problem #2 above, i am really in the not know why it is displaying this behavior.
So, HELP!!!
Enough said, some code now:
I define my destinations inside a *-destinations-service.xml file, which is pakaged inside the META-INF folder of the ejb-jar file. The definition looks like this:
My MDB looks like this:
My ServletContextListener Implementation looks like this:
Please let me know if you need any more info.
Thanks in advance for all your help!!!