I'v Jdeveloper in my machine its Jdeveloper, it uses JDK from its own ie. I did'nt installed a seperate JDK,
i'm using Windows , if i go to my command prompt and type
it gives
if i do
i will see
that means my Jdeveloper is taking JRE and JDK from its own environment.
the projects which i am working on requires jdk 1.4.2,
what if i installed jdk 1.6 and if i set JAVA_HOME to c:\jdk1.6 and PATH is i append with 'C:\jdk1.6\bin' will it affect my previous path
which is taking jdk 1.4.2
please suggest me as i want to practise
java programes using jdk 1.6 as well as i dont want to disturb my own project settings in Jdeveloper which uses jdk and jre 1.4.2.
can we do that