i am a newbie to the web services, i am using axis2, the thing i have made a hand typed wsdl file and rectified all the errors regarding the syntactic and other errors but the one i am unable to rectify is the namespace issue which i am facing for the operation which i have created based on a
java program whose main purpose is to tell Hello followed by the parameter passed.
Earlier when i just deployed the service archive(.aar file) only using a services.xml file and the .class file and depending on server generated .wsdl file i'm getting the required result, so i thought of making a wsdl file on my own by going through the tags and the attributes which are inter-related among the other tags and i'm able to finish the wsdl file but i'm stuck at the namespace issue, i have tried to include the same namespace which the server has generated but i have no luck. i know that it will fail how can i figure out the right namespace for my operation that is related to the java method.
here is my wsdl file
java program
now can any one help me to figure out the right namespace for the operation
the errors i got when i have started to generate the stubs from the hand typed wsdl file, there are errors but the stubs have been generated