I am wondering what is the best approach regarding the packaging and deployment of a new enterprise application that
I am working on.
This enterprise application has a web project and an
EJB project.
My web project requires some external libraries.
So I have 2 otpions :
1) I either put them in web-project\WebContent\WEB-INF\lib
2) I put them in \jboss-6.0.0.M2\server\default\lib and then add them to the build path of the web-project, under Eclipse
If i use option 1, I of course end up with a somewhat large EAR archive since it contains the external libraries i am using.
Although it's not that big (17 MB).
If I use option 2, the EAR archive is kept at a minimum size.
So I see a matter of size.
Another aspect to take in consideration is the deployment in the production server.
I mean developers are running their own
JBoss servers in their respective machines.
One of them will be in charge to generate the EAR archive and deploy it on the JBoss server, in the production server.
So then i am wondering what's best in that case ?
1) To drop the big EAR archive (17 MB) in the deploy folder of the JBoss server (production server)
2) To drop the small EAR archive in the deploy folder of the JBoss server (production server) and update the \jboss-6.0.0.M2\server\default\lib folder (production server)
with the needed libraries as they come along ?
Also, generally, what is an acceptable size for an EAR archive ? I am not aware of any standard or limitation regarding the size.
Maybe there are other ways to do it and that i do not know about.
Thanks for your help.