Ricardo Morais wrote:
In Fact, I saw that we could have a Message Catalog or a NonCatalog but it was not so clear to me.
the documentations reads:
The [message catalog] framework is ideal for applications that need to localize the language in their log messages, but even for those applications that do not need to localize, it provides a rich, flexible set of tools for communicating status and output.
your application can use the weblogic.logging.NonCatalogLogger APIs to send messages to the WebLogic server log, for logging messages that do not need to be internationalized or are internationalized outside the WebLogic I18n framework
So, if you do not need any internationalization you can use the NonCatalogLogger API.
Ricardo Morais wrote:
When calling the NonCatalog, why does it appear in Console (Prompt DOS) and does not apper in Diagnostic/Log Files/ServerLog?
Let's assume you have created your domain in a directory called "weblogic" in your
home directory. The domain's name is"testdomain" and you have only one server
So your domain home is ${HOME}/weblogic/testdomain and the server's log file
would be ${HOME}/}/weblogic/testdomain/servers/AdminServer/logs/AdminServer.log.
I think you are looking in the wrong place
Viewing server log files in the Administrative Console only works for
local log files.
Hope that helps