U need to not worry about this .its just as good as u forward it to some othjer jsp instead in ur config.xml say forward name='' path="action.do" and this will transfer the control to some other action with the request objects persisted across the multiple actions
see if u r using mapping.findForward(string) then u need not do anything with redirect just map this string to action in struts-confiog.xml and automatically redirect will be false in such situations
but if u trying to use new ActionForward(,) then u need to set the redirect flag to false
Can you describe the interactions and flow that you have in your program now that makes you think that you need to do this (some relevant code snippets might help)? It has been my experience that in most cases, passing control from one Action to another Action is unnecessary and the need to do so can be eliminated by a little refactoring of the code.
There are many situations where u need to move across two actions .The best examle is u have a list of things on ur UI and u have a delete button which deletes that entry and after this u want to show the user with the new list then first u need to call action for deleting that entry and in the same action u need to call the action for listing of the new records
and many places like this even if u r using pagination with a good framework while u say next page and all its good that u first go to some action where u set the parameters for the pagination in a javabean and later forward that to a business logic written in an action to get the new list for the particular page