Good certification would never help you land a good java...atleast in india...
Don't do certification for getting job...instead get certified to enhance nd sharpen you skills..
Yes certified developers has edge over other developers but certification never helps you to get a job. In my last interview I was asked most questions in core
java and I was able to answer all the question but the interviewer did'nt knew I was SCJP 1.5 certified.
Regarding next certficiation...It totally depends upon you, in which area of computing you are interested...if you are interested in System architecture
you should write SCBCD->SCEA...or interested into mobile computing then SCMAD... or if interested into web development then you can go for SCWCD. But frankly speaking certifications are of no use.... according to me.
Instead learn some specific frameworks like hiberante, spring ,
jsf... they are hot skills these days...thier are more chances a java guy knowing spring,hibernate to get a job than guy with SCJP+SCWCD+SCBCD can get a job..