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getCookie(FacesContext context, String name) function is not woring in tomcat 6.0.

+Pie Number of slices to send: Send
Hi all,

I am using tomcat 6.0 and jsf2. I am trying to access a cookie which was already set.
I am using getCookie() function
package com.sun.rave.web.ui.component;
Tree Class - getCookie() method.

This function is working fine when i was using tomcat 5.5.20 and now it is not working(tomcat 6.0).

I verifed the cookies strored in firefox(both in Tomcat6 and Tocmat5). They are proper.

In tomcat 6, if we call request.getCookies() - > it is truncationg cookie name after ":" i.e. if our cookie name is 'form1:treeId' then it is returning 'form1' only.

Please help me.
+Pie Number of slices to send: Send
Hi all,

I am using tomcat 6.0 and jsf2. I am trying to access a cookie which was already set.
I am using getCookie() function
package com.sun.rave.web.ui.component;
Tree Class - getCookie() method.

This function is working fine when i was using tomcat 5.5.20 and now it is not working(tomcat 6.0).

I verifed the cookies strored in firefox(both in Tomcat6 and Tocmat5). They are proper.

In tomcat 6, if we call request.getCookies() - > it is truncationg cookie name after ":" i.e. if our cookie name is 'form1:treeId' then it is returning 'form1' only.

Please help me.
+Pie Number of slices to send: Send

I verfied the cookies stored in fire fox. They are proper.

I observed one thing - In tomcat6.0, if i call request.getCookies() function it is returning cookies with cookie name truncated if it finds colon symbol ':' .

i.e. if cookie name is 'form1:treeId' then it is returning 'form1' only.
+Pie Number of slices to send: Send

I had similar problem.

I find that its due to an improvement in tomcat 6.0.

":" amongst other characters is a reserved character as per the HTTP Cookie specification, thus it has to be encoded if it must be a part of the cookie data.

If you're in a position to make this adjustment that's the better option.

In my case, the cookie data is set in a client software that is live in over a hundred instances, and i desire to upgrade the single server instance to tomcat 6 (The application has been running on tomcat 5.5 with no issues) without breaking any functionality for existing clients (as per interaction with the server).

So i found a way to parse the header myself using request.getHeader("cookie") to get the raw cookies as String

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