Rohan kanade wrote:Why don't you use the education you took for 4 years while doing Mechanical engineering? and apply to Companies which work in the Mechanical/Automobile/Production & Manufacturing field's?
Prabu Raj wrote:Is it possible for me to switch to Java, J2EE as a fresher programming job?
Rohan kanade wrote:As far as becoming a java coder is concerned, Just being a java coder wont take you far, because most programmers have gone through the theoretical computer science curriculum which equips them with the ability to be more than just coders.
Pushkar Choudhary wrote:
Rohan kanade wrote:As far as becoming a java coder is concerned, Just being a java coder wont take you far, because most programmers have gone through the theoretical computer science curriculum which equips them with the ability to be more than just coders.
I don't quite agree with this. I'm a Mechanical Engineering graduate and have been working in the software industry for about 4 years doing Java/JEE development in one of the big 3 companies in the Indian IT space. And, my first manager at my first Java job was a commerce graduate, working as a Java/JEE Technical Manager.
Pushkar Choudhary wrote:
Rohan kanade wrote:As far as becoming a java coder is concerned, Just being a java coder wont take you far, because most programmers have gone through the theoretical computer science curriculum which equips them with the ability to be more than just coders.
I don't quite agree with this. I'm a Mechanical Engineering graduate and have been working in the software industry for about 4 years doing Java/JEE development in one of the big 3 companies in the Indian IT space. And, my first manager at my first Java job was a commerce graduate, working as a Java/JEE Technical Manager.
Rohan is not talking about "from what back-ground you are coming from?"
Just being a java coder wont take you far, because most programmers have gone through the theoretical computer science curriculum which equips them with the ability to be more than just coders.
Deepak Bala wrote:I am not sure if that is what Rohan meant to imply
Just being a java coder wont take you far, because most programmers have gone through the theoretical computer science curriculum which equips them with the ability to be more than just coders.
For the record a CS graduate once asked me how to use a for loop because she "forgot". Just saying.
there is a difference between a mechanic and a automobile engineer. same applies to a java coder and a computer science graduate
Seetharaman Venkatasamy wrote:He suggest that "studying the computer science concept would be helpful to his future". yes, you also require that . what ever back ground you are from doesnt matter , but if you dont have some thing, you need to study/gain . you may came from Mechanical engineering but, you learnt something about computer right?
Rohan kanade wrote:As far as becoming a java coder is concerned, Just being a java coder wont take you far
Deepak Bala wrote:
For the record a CS graduate once asked me how to use a for loop because she "forgot". Just saying.
Rohan kanade wrote:Indian IT space does not represent computer science at all, As far as I know, Indian IT space just cares about the billing rate and the number of employees getting wages per hour.
Java/J2ee is not even 1% of computer science, it is just a programming language which is easy to learn,And that is exactly why 90% of the people in the Indian IT space are either programmers with 5-10 years experience in Java/J2EE and know all the three letter frameworks written for it using SOA and other state of the art service oriented architecture to deliver cutting edge services n all.
Pushkar Choudhary wrote:
Rohan kanade wrote:Indian IT space does not represent computer science at all, As far as I know, Indian IT space just cares about the billing rate and the number of employees getting wages per hour.
Java/J2ee is not even 1% of computer science, it is just a programming language which is easy to learn,And that is exactly why 90% of the people in the Indian IT space are either programmers with 5-10 years experience in Java/J2EE and know all the three letter frameworks written for it using SOA and other state of the art service oriented architecture to deliver cutting edge services n all.
This looks very much like an assumption. Do you have any data for backing this assumption?
Pushkar Choudhary wrote:
Deepak Bala wrote:
For the record a CS graduate once asked me how to use a for loop because she "forgot". Just saying.
Exactly. And I've seen final year computer engineering students who didn't know their desktop hard disk size and didn't know a way to check it!!
Deepak Bala wrote:
there is a difference between a mechanic and a automobile engineer. same applies to a java coder and a computer science graduate
So 'java coders' are derogatory versions of what CS graduates should have been ? How did you assume that java coders need not know algorithms / design patterns / permutations ?
Rohan kanade wrote:what i meant was, the kind of work done by a mechanic in the automobile world is exactly the same a non CS grad java coder is doing.
Seetharaman Venkatasamy wrote:
So Dear Rohan, non-computer science gratuates cant code ? or not able to understand the concept? . I am a computer science gratuate , but during college days I didnt know anything . still I am improving my basics . Infact I started reading computer books after my college
Prabu Raj wrote:Dear All,
Thanks for yours comments and suggestions…
It is really encouraging me![]()
How should explore to help get my foot in the software Industry?
I am just meditative myself how to set my career path as a software engineer not just to be a coder?
What kind of skills (Technical and soft skills) does a software engineer need?
Where can I get Open Source projects to get hands on experience?
Please let me know your valuable advice…
Sandeep Awasthi wrote:It depends on person's talent. But having a formal education gives advantage.
Rohan kanade wrote:
and as i said ,if you want a job asap, try to get hands on experience in technologies which appear in the job ads.
some of them for Java are, The Spring Framework, Struts Framework,Hibernate Framework,Java EE Api's
these are frameworks which are used to build applications, try to use them in your practice code.
and my final advice would be that, you join some trade school which offer 3-6 months training for jobs (if you need one urgently).
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