Two weeks is a rather aggressive schedule for any new technology.
That's how long it took me to learn enough Java to pass the SCJP6
Another possibility is to do everything via Ajax from HTML pages
This is what was originally suggested to me and it seems, when I was looking into it, that AJAX really just means JavaScript. Honestly, and I know this is off topic, but if you could clear this up I'd be eternally grateful, does "AJAX" use XML to talk to the database and if so, HOW? Every example I've seen uses ASP or PHP. It occured to me that if you could use ASP you could proabably use JSP and I know much more Java than VB, but from what I know about JSP wouldn't that eliminate the need for the XML part of AJAX? I suppose it's all in how you use it, but that's kind of where my question was directed in the first place. Is using AJAX and JSP an optimal solution for this small project, or should I look elsewhere? (Perl has some AJAX-like modules but that just looks complicated...)
Also, if this is the way to go, could you give me some links to good info about EL and JSTL?
SCJP 6, A+, Network+, Security+, Project+, CIW Professional, MCP (70-270)