srivastava ashish wrote:
Teja Saab wrote:That was my point. Instant Messaging can be used in a situation where it can be consumed only once (as in a 2 person chat) or can be consumed several times (as in a company wide broadcast by a server administrator). So the question was if you had to select only one of the two, which one would it be?
I think if I select publish/subscribe, it will cater to both situations since point to point happens to be a special case of publish/subscribe.
Just my $.02
In your solution you need to have two separate Topics.One for 1-1 message and the other for broadcast because all active subscriber to a topic will get the message.However if you are using two Topics why not use one Topic and one Queue??
Hi Ashish,
Maybe I did not articulate my point properly. I am not trying to create a solution for Instant Messaging. Rather I am trying to ascertain if Instant Messaging can best be considered as an example of Point to Point messaging, Publish Subscribe Messaging or both.
In other words, if we had a question similar to the one below in Part 1, which one of the options would you select.
Instant Messaging can be considered as an example of .......
(a) Point to Point messaging
(b) Publish Subscribe messaging
(c) Both
(d) Neither