i am making a program in a
JSP. i have used some
java script code in this program.
by this program i can find out the result for between years for any class.
i have three combo box for class_name, from_year, to_year. for class_name, Its value is 1 to 12. when i select class 11 or 12, an combox appear for subject having values Arts, comerce and science will be appeared.
in database for class 1 to 10 having subject values is AllSubject. and for class 11 or 12 having subject values arts, commerce and science.
my problem how i make the query which send for class 1 to 10 , assume subject values is all and for class 11 or 12 subject values arts, commerce and science with others combox values.
Here is JSP's files:
the combo box for subject remain hide when i select class 1 to 10. but if i select class 11 or 12 then
value for subject is Arts, Commerce and Science. how i make query from database base on the subject.
if i select class 1 to 11 the value for subject is all. if i am selected class 11 or 12 then query include the value of combo box subject
please help.