Hi All
I want to appear for SCBCD but I am bit confused with the versions of the same. I know going for the latest versions are always good , so I am fine with learning
EJB 3.0.
But currently I am working with EJB 2.0 in my organization and all of my company projects use EJB 2.0. So I dont have an option to work with EJB 3.0 in near future.
Also I have never tasted EJB 3.0 but heard its very much different from EJB 2.0. So my questions are :
1. Shall I go ahead with the certification (SCBCD) with EJB 3.0 ? If not , Is SCBCD avaibale for EJB 2.0 ?
2. What are the changes in EJB 3.0 which makes it comepletely different from EJB 2.0 ?
3. If I go for EJB 3.0 then will the knowledge of EJB 2.0 help me to grasp the concepts quickly (afterall the basic concepts must be same) ?
Please suggest.