SCJP6, SCWCD5, OCP-JBCD5, OCE-JWSD6 OCE-JPAD6 , OCM-JEA5 1,OCM-JEA5 2,3,OCJP8 - Brainbench certifications: J2EE, Java2, Java2-NonGUI, JSP, SQL2000 Admin, SQL2000 Programming , Brainbench certified Java Programmer, Computer Programmer, Web Developer, Database Administrator
Author of ExamLab - a free SCJP / OCPJP exam simulator
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SCJP 6 (90%)
Excuse my English, please
SCJP 1.4, SCWCD 1.4 - Hints for you, Certified Scrum Master
Did a rm -R / to find out that I lost my entire Linux installation!
SCJP 6.0 (86%), SCWCD 5.0 (92%), SCBCD 5.0 (93%), MCTS(SQL Server 2008)
Thanks man! Somehow I feel disappointed with the scorePrithvi Sehgal wrote:Congratulations Rajeev. So my gut feeling was correct.
Enjoy yourself,
SCJP6, SCWCD5, OCP-JBCD5, OCE-JWSD6 OCE-JPAD6 , OCM-JEA5 1,OCM-JEA5 2,3,OCJP8 - Brainbench certifications: J2EE, Java2, Java2-NonGUI, JSP, SQL2000 Admin, SQL2000 Programming , Brainbench certified Java Programmer, Computer Programmer, Web Developer, Database Administrator
SCJP6, SCWCD5, OCP-JBCD5, OCE-JWSD6 OCE-JPAD6 , OCM-JEA5 1,OCM-JEA5 2,3,OCJP8 - Brainbench certifications: J2EE, Java2, Java2-NonGUI, JSP, SQL2000 Admin, SQL2000 Programming , Brainbench certified Java Programmer, Computer Programmer, Web Developer, Database Administrator
Sergio Rodrigo wrote:Congrats, great score!
I'm a little worried because I'm scoring only 50% in ExamlabI hope I'll be more confident when I take my exam..
Best regards.
SCJP6, SCWCD5, OCP-JBCD5, OCE-JWSD6 OCE-JPAD6 , OCM-JEA5 1,OCM-JEA5 2,3,OCJP8 - Brainbench certifications: J2EE, Java2, Java2-NonGUI, JSP, SQL2000 Admin, SQL2000 Programming , Brainbench certified Java Programmer, Computer Programmer, Web Developer, Database Administrator
Larry Chung wrote:Congratulations on a terrific score. Those are excellent 10 points you provided.
By mid-week you should receive 2 e-mails from Sun. One e-mail will give you your Sun Certification ID and have information on how to register for the Certification Database. If you do not get that e-mail, send a message to [email protected] to ask about it.
Two to three weeks (or longer if you are not in the U.S.) after you register into the Certificate Database, you will receive in the postal mail a welcome kit containing your SCJP certificate and a small plastic wallet-size ID card that indicates your SCJP status. Your score is not printed on them. If you do not get that package then send a message to [email protected] to ask about it.
SCJP6, SCWCD5, OCP-JBCD5, OCE-JWSD6 OCE-JPAD6 , OCM-JEA5 1,OCM-JEA5 2,3,OCJP8 - Brainbench certifications: J2EE, Java2, Java2-NonGUI, JSP, SQL2000 Admin, SQL2000 Programming , Brainbench certified Java Programmer, Computer Programmer, Web Developer, Database Administrator
Cheers, Roberto Perillo
SCJP 5.0
SCJP6, SCWCD5, OCP-JBCD5, OCE-JWSD6 OCE-JPAD6 , OCM-JEA5 1,OCM-JEA5 2,3,OCJP8 - Brainbench certifications: J2EE, Java2, Java2-NonGUI, JSP, SQL2000 Admin, SQL2000 Programming , Brainbench certified Java Programmer, Computer Programmer, Web Developer, Database Administrator
Larry Chung wrote:Congratulations on a terrific score. Those are excellent 10 points you provided.
By mid-week you should receive 2 e-mails from Sun. One e-mail will give you your Sun Certification ID and have information on how to register for the Certification Database. If you do not get that e-mail, send a message to [email protected] to ask about it.
Two to three weeks (or longer if you are not in the U.S.) after you register into the Certificate Database, you will receive in the postal mail a welcome kit containing your SCJP certificate and a small plastic wallet-size ID card that indicates your SCJP status. Your score is not printed on them. If you do not get that package then send a message to [email protected] to ask about it.
SCJP6, SCWCD5, OCP-JBCD5, OCE-JWSD6 OCE-JPAD6 , OCM-JEA5 1,OCM-JEA5 2,3,OCJP8 - Brainbench certifications: J2EE, Java2, Java2-NonGUI, JSP, SQL2000 Admin, SQL2000 Programming , Brainbench certified Java Programmer, Computer Programmer, Web Developer, Database Administrator
Rajeev Rnair wrote:
Hi Larry, I got the 2 emails from Sun couple of hours back with a Sun ID and after verifiying the address and personal stuff I was able to login to certification database with that login ID.
Akila, welcome to the ranchAkila Agandeswaran wrote:Rajeev,
I am planning to appear for SCJP 6.0 soon but haven't taken the date yet. I read the K&B study guide many times. Please tell me how to improve confidence in programming. What sort of exercise should I work on?
Akila Agandeswaran wrote:How did you practice the code and from where did you got the examples?
Rajeev Rnair wrote:
Sergio Rodrigo wrote:Congrats, great score!
I'm a little worried because I'm scoring only 50% in ExamlabI hope I'll be more confident when I take my exam..
Best regards.
Dont worry! It is a good score in Exam Lab
I only got 52% in my last Exam lab exam even though I scored 68 in the second and 60+ (can't recollect) in the first
Score is NOT what is important, you need to figure out why you missed the questions!
Always use exam lab as a learning tool. I am sure you will suceed!![]()
SCJP 6 (90%)
Excuse my English, please
Oracle certified JPA Developer (1Z0-898),Oracle certified Java 8 Programmer I (1Z0-808), Oracle Java Web Service Developer (1z0-897), Oracle certified Java 7 Programmer, SCJA 1.0, SCJP 5.0, SCWCD 5.0, Oracle SQL Fundamentals I, CIW Certified Ecommerce specialist
Rajeev Rnair wrote:Dear friends,
I cleared SCP6 today with 91%. Most of the questions were tough and some were exceptionally tough. Almost all questions were tricky, so you have to read it again and again till you spot the trick.
Thanks to K& B book, Enthuware JQPlus, Devaka's exam lab and all ranchers here. I did all master exams, Exam lab, and all JQPlus mock exams. Some questions were in the same level of toughness as Examlab. Most of the questions were tougher than Master exam and more or less same toughness as Enthuware. Almost all questions (except one with coupling/cohesion ) were code based. Make sure you practice lot of code. I scored an average of 60 in Examlab, 75 (avg) for Master exams and 80(avg) for JQPlus.
I am sharing my experience with today's test!
1. I brought a bottle of mineral water with me but the guy at prometric told me that drinking water is not allowed while doing test. Either you can have it before test or you could have the rest after the test!
2. I was expecting plain paper and pencils, but I was provided with an erasable board and a marker. The marker would not even work some times. It was horrible![]()
3. Somehow I managed to answer all Thread questions correctly. I got 7-8 questions on thread, synchronization, dead lock etc.
4. Inner classes with most weirdest combination appears every where. You need to know the in and out of inner classes.
5. One drag and drop was extremely tough with Files, directory etc.
6. None of the questions were same or nearly same from Master exam or any mock exams.
7. Lot of questions were from shadowing instance, final, static variables in sub class, sub interfaces, inner class extending outer class etc.
8. Nothing from Serialization
9. It took me 2:45 mins to answer the complete questions and got only few minutes to review the marked ones!
10. Don't skip the tough questions thinking you can revisit them later because some of the questions appear easy, but it may not be that easy once you start thinking deeply!
I have already started preparing for SCWCD. Planning to appear exam within couple of months!
anyways I am glad that this is finally overTime for a new signature!
Wish you all the best
Rufat Piriyev wrote:
congrats Rajeev!!! I am glad for you but your words about level of questions have frightened me . Really all so terribly?
SCJP6, SCWCD5, OCP-JBCD5, OCE-JWSD6 OCE-JPAD6 , OCM-JEA5 1,OCM-JEA5 2,3,OCJP8 - Brainbench certifications: J2EE, Java2, Java2-NonGUI, JSP, SQL2000 Admin, SQL2000 Programming , Brainbench certified Java Programmer, Computer Programmer, Web Developer, Database Administrator
thanks Abhay!Abhay Agarwal wrote:Congrats
for passing the exam
SCJP6, SCWCD5, OCP-JBCD5, OCE-JWSD6 OCE-JPAD6 , OCM-JEA5 1,OCM-JEA5 2,3,OCJP8 - Brainbench certifications: J2EE, Java2, Java2-NonGUI, JSP, SQL2000 Admin, SQL2000 Programming , Brainbench certified Java Programmer, Computer Programmer, Web Developer, Database Administrator
Enthuware - Best Mock Exams and Questions for Oracle Java Certifications
Quality Guaranteed - Pass or Full Refund!
SCJP 6.0, SCWCD5, SCBCD5 in progress..
SCJP6, SCWCD5, OCP-JBCD5, OCE-JWSD6 OCE-JPAD6 , OCM-JEA5 1,OCM-JEA5 2,3,OCJP8 - Brainbench certifications: J2EE, Java2, Java2-NonGUI, JSP, SQL2000 Admin, SQL2000 Programming , Brainbench certified Java Programmer, Computer Programmer, Web Developer, Database Administrator
Thanks Sandhya. I think 65% is a good score in Master exams. Try the "Exam Lab" and it do have 5 exams. Please use it as a learning tool. Review the questions, answers and explanations given and you are good to goSandhya Parmar wrote:Congratulations Rajeev and thanks for the post. I am having exam too in next few days. I have prepared from K&B Book and finished K&B mock tests(60%-65%). I am planning to try ExamLab and free Enthuware Tests. Could you please suggest me any other test or techniques.
SCJP6, SCWCD5, OCP-JBCD5, OCE-JWSD6 OCE-JPAD6 , OCM-JEA5 1,OCM-JEA5 2,3,OCJP8 - Brainbench certifications: J2EE, Java2, Java2-NonGUI, JSP, SQL2000 Admin, SQL2000 Programming , Brainbench certified Java Programmer, Computer Programmer, Web Developer, Database Administrator
SCJP 6.0, SCWCD5, SCBCD5 in progress..
Hello Ashutosh, the master exam comes along with the CD of K&B book.AshutoshP Patil wrote:hi rajeev
can you please give me the link of master exams?
thanks in advance
SCJP6, SCWCD5, OCP-JBCD5, OCE-JWSD6 OCE-JPAD6 , OCM-JEA5 1,OCM-JEA5 2,3,OCJP8 - Brainbench certifications: J2EE, Java2, Java2-NonGUI, JSP, SQL2000 Admin, SQL2000 Programming , Brainbench certified Java Programmer, Computer Programmer, Web Developer, Database Administrator
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