Hello all,
I'm using Glassfish v3 as app server,
Java EE 6 Web,
JSF and EclipseLink (JPA 2.0). My project was working just fine, redeploying was no problem, even if I deleted a table from my database EclipseLink would regenerate it without any hassle. But now when I drop a table from my database it will give me the following error:
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'dkyc.question' doesn't exist
when it used to simply remake the table from the Entity. Also, when I undeploy the application, all my tables get dropped! Redeploying remakes the tables but of course the data is lost then.
If someone can helping in this it would be much appreciated.
My persistence.xml:
And this is the sun-resources.xml