I'm using jsp/jstl in my pages, and i'd like to validate the inputs using the
struts validator. I have configured the application.properties file, the struts-config.xml, created a form bean (testForm.java) that extends the validatorForm and a form action (testAction.java)and even configured the validator.xml but i dont' know how to display the ActionErrors in my page (test.jsp) without using struts tag :<html:errors/> only using jstl.
I have tried to retrieve the content of the ActionErrors in the testAction but i intializea
string to
test then add the content of the ActionErrors, then set the errors variable in my
jsp file test.jsp, but when the inputs are correct the errors variable in my jsp file is set to its initiale value however when the inputs are wrong, the erros variable is empty.
Any idea pls