I'm trying to use the
struts validator, i have created a simple form with few inputs, i'd like to oblige the user to enter values into inputs.
I therefore :
1-added the validator pluing to strus-config.xml
2-added the action mapping with the path set to
test, the type set to the path of the action form called TestAction, the name set to testForm, validate set to true and inut set the the
jsp file called siteForm.jsp and forwards success and failure
3-created the TestAction.java taht extends Action and returns success
4-created the TestForm bean that extends ValidatorAction
5-created the testform.jsp added <html:errors/>whose fomr id is testForm
6-get teh applictaion.properties file from the struts blank project
7-in the validation.xml added the formset where the name is testForm and properties are required
However no errors is displayed
Any idea PLS