posted 14 years ago
Hi All,
I am deploying a web application in sap server environment. which does not support EL.
I am using spring web mvc. I need to bind a list using spring bind. for that i have used jstl and el and tested in apache server 5.5. Now i am unable to change the code with out el and deploy in sap server.
I am new to jstl and el. You can provide me learning resources on jstl, el and use of jstl where el is not supported
Is there a way to use jstl without el. Are is there any way to use spring binding without jstl and el.
This is my code used to bind a list.
I have tried using scriptlets, but it didn't work as scriptlets are run time and spring tags are compile time evaluation.
Please help me. SAP EP does not support EL.
Thanks a lot.