No. Apache must hand off such requests to a servlet container such as Tomcat.
Ok , but is their away to use a different serverlet container such as weblogic or jetty web servers
to run jsp for apache.
Or does apache only work with tomcat server using jsp pages?
Because currently I have another computer that has apache on it but jetty webserver on it as well.
The jetty webserver is capable of running jsp pages ... so if it is possible can I do the equivalent of what I did for tomcat but for jetty so I can host jsp pages on apache but thru jetty instead of tomcat?
Also I have an ASP server ...IE IIS I am wondering if their is away to link asp pages to run on apache thru forwarding them to the IIS server? Like I did for jsp pages in tomcat.
Maybe somebody else knows more about asp, and running it on apache ....