What you told me about the Action mapping parameter is correct. And the Input attribute of the Action is correct so not at least the validate() method is beging called. Horray! Thank you very much. However now i'm getting a ClassCastException error inside of my
jsp(according to the Stack Trace). Here is the stack trace.
Here is my updated [BOLD]struts-config.xml[/BOLD] file with the added input attributes
I changed the input to the path[BOLD] input="/pages/addNew.jsp [/BOLD]
The following is my app structure
Here is addNew.jsp
And Here is the updated validate method for connectionDetailForm
I used the deprecated ActionErrors. add() just incase the difference in ActionMessage was the problem.
[BOLD]ConnectionDetailForm [/BOLD]
Any Ideas? I think we're getting closer thanks for all your help.