Well, it could be out of context but I would like to start from the basics. My question is how JPivot, Mondrian and Pentahouse is related?
I would love if you can just brief me about all of them and how they are related.
Mondrian is the OLAP engine included in the Pentaho BI suite.
JPivot is the library used so far for browsing the cubes. There are new tools being developed for this (http://code.google.com/p/pentahoanalysistool/)
You could use Mondrian alone (not embedded in the suite) but Pentaho xactions make your life easier when you have to deploy your cubes.
Well, first of all apology for the typo.. was in a hurry so..
Actually I have an overview of these things but it is always good when someone like 'Maria' answers such questions.. See I got a new thing for cube browsing and wow its based on GWT...
I am looking at it.. Thanks for the reply, Maria
Pankaj Upadhyay (SCJP 1.6 == 86%)
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