Hi Ranchers,
I have plain gwt application.In this application I have anchored some links through the UI binder.
Link 1: I am calling a
JSP in a Frame in a DialogBox(Some Change Password Stuff)
Link 2:Again I am calling a JSP through the Window.Location.assign("JSP-URL");(Logout Page)
All these links work fine in IE7 and FireFox and displays the JSP in the Frame in the DialogBox,As well as the session expires and the window closes on logout.
But when I run the application in IE6 the JSP in the Frame in a DialogBox is Blank.....I dont know why....I tried changing the path of the jsp in the Frame Url but still its shows me a blank page.This was for the link1
For Link2 the Logout page calls fine as Shown in the Server but the window hangs....
Please Help me on this.....