Matteo Di Furia wrote:
1) I'm using iBatis at office, so I know how to use it, but I've also read that Hibernate is more powerfull and more complete than iBatis. But, on the other hand, I don't know Hibernate, so I'd like to read your opinion about it, to understand if I might be better to study it or if I should avoid it.
Matteo Di Furia wrote:
2) I also use Spring + WebFlow + Tiles at office, but reading the Stripes documentation it seems to me you can do with it what we do with the combination of 3 different frameworks. So, what do you think about it ? Which is better in your opinion (I know that "better" has little to no sense when comparing different frameworks, just leave your two cents about this argument).
Frederic Daoud
Author, Stripes...and Java Web Development is Fun Again
Stripes book
Again, the effort you have to pay when it comes to personalize the result of such code generation (and you always need to tune or adjust something in real applications) is nearly equal to the time spent by making everything by your own (of course, using the right frameworks).
Stripes, on the other hand, works with just some add to the web.xml and some little more. But it's not so difficult to extend and to personalize Stripes to fit it to your needs.
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