I have a requirement to download the data from DB to CSV/Excel. What I did is retrieving all the records from DB and store in the List and pass that list to the
jsp page. In JSP page, I am using the below setting to download it to CSV/EXCEL.
It was working fine. But I have an issues in it. Excel is capable of storing it only 65,536 rows.
Even all the data getting downloaded to CSV/excel (> 65,536), while saving I am getting error from excel saying that it can't save more than 65,536 rows and the below data won't be saved.
I am not opt for POI apache third party at this point of time.
Is it possible to download it in other sheets if it exceeds the max limit.
Example: Having data of around 100,000.
Download 65,536 - Sheet 1
Remaining in Sheet 2,3.. of the same excel.
Any idea/input/suggestion on it?