Hi all,
I want to implement the concept of opening a child window in my webpage, when the user clicks on a particular command button. Currently i have implemented it using some css and 'div' tag.

The css file has the necessary design attributes of the new window. And the div tag holds the design of the new window, and i m setting the visibility of that div tag using backend code. So that when the user clicks on that button, the div tag's visibility will be set to true and the new window will open on the parent window, and all the controls of the parent window will be disabled.
But the problem in this is that the new window is a static one, the user wont be able to move it. I want to create the child window, in such manner that the user can just move it by clicking on the titile bar and dragging it.
I also tried it initially using window.open(). But the problem in that is that the user can jump to the parent window without closing the child window. (And one of my friend even suggested a code, which will close the child window, if the user clicks any control on the parent window)
My requirement is this, i want the child window to be created in a manner that the user should be able to move its position and the user cant switch to the parent window without closing the child window(jus like in the case of using the confirm dialog box in
java script).