posted 14 years ago
Hi, I'm using the carrot api...
carrot2-java-api-3.4.0-dev (exanples and jars)
and the lucene api from lucene in action (code and jars)
When I put them into separate projects in elipse, I can execute:
1. org.carrot2.examples.clustering.ClusteringDocumentList (in carrot)
2. lia.meetlucene.Indexer & Searcher (in lucene)
without any problems.
Now, when I try and combine both into 1 project, I have a kind of clash...
lucene-1.4.3.jar (in lucene) contains the org.apache.lucene packages.
And lucene-core-3.0.1 also contains the org.apache.lucene packages.
So with the project as 1 project, the error is with the lia.meetlucene.Indexer class, which says:
"The constructor IndexWriter(File, StandardAnalyzer, boolean) is undefined.
I think it might be trying to use the class from the other package of the same name.
Its so frustrating, cause I need to use both, can any one help? And remember I'm a beginner with this, so I don't know whats going on that much.