Why do you think you want to do this? Heck, that wouldn't just defeat the purpose of using Struts, it'd defeat the purpose of everything invented at the time JSP came out.
JSP? But remember: the ultimate goal isn't to create S2 JSP components, but rather to generate the appropriate HTML. Right now it sounds as though you want to create actual JSP, *then* interpret it so tags are rendered, and serve *that* to the user.
My requirement: I am developing web application which can be acessible by A and B users.
In my application I am having only one jsp page. This jsp page can be used by more than
one user that too more than one functionality.
A is using X functionality.B is using Y functionality.
To satisfy these users A and B , I need to display the required jsp/html view controls.
These jsp view controls are comes from database.The view controls in jsp page are
equivalent to the fields/columns in database table.
Now I need to dynamically change/show the view controls in the only available jsp page.
Please give me a solution....
Thanks in Advance.
So far it still just sounds like you need to show specific information to a specific user, and there's nothing here that can't be handled in a clean way. Still not information given to provide any specifics, however. And so far it's not Struts-specific.