So far I'm stumped.
I've tried using the New>>WebService>>WebServiceClient wizard - and pointing it at the WSDL (
http://www.myserviceprovider/service/thingstodo.asmx?WSDL) and it does find the WSDL ok (thats a good thing presumably?)
But the next step has me infuriated. It deosnt seem to want to allow to generate a simple
Java Application - or a Utility Project for theclient -= it wasnt me to create a whole web project and EAR file.... not ideal - but I'd settle for that (I'm just trying to right some
test stuff at the moment).
Unfortunately attempts to do that after selecting a WAS6.1 runtime and JAX-RPC webservice runtime (I dont really undertsnad what this means) result in an error:
Unable to add the follwing facets to project WebServiceProject: Dynamic Web Module, Java.
<--love the misspelt error message!
Now I can see lots of links to stuff talking about how to publish webservices - but very few about how to create simple WS consumers.
I did this before about 4 years ago (WSAD 4? days)- and the old client is working within the context of our web application - but with errors. I just want to recreate a new one and test the WS part of the code - but it seems to be almost impossible.
THis document: talks about importing definitions into a service registry - but as far as I can tell I dont have a service registry. Does this mean I can no longer do WebService development for Websphere using RAD? DO I need to concede defeat to the .NET boys at the other end and tell them that clearly their toolset is far superior and they should redevelop our ENTIRE
j2ee application simply because web service development is no longer possible?
Or is there a better way? Any hints would be appreciated!