I am developing a web service using netbeans and created a
test client for it. Here my webservice is hosted locally as you can see the path is localhost:8080....
if I remove @WebServiceRef............ line of code then I am able to deploy the application. but it is required for me to have this code and getting below error on deployment.
deploy?path=C:\Documents and Settings\tanukumar.gulati\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\FirstClient\build\web&name=FirstClient&force=true failed on GlassFish v3 Domain
C:\Documents and Settings\tanukumar.gulati\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\FirstClient\nbproject\build-impl.xml:578: The module has not been deployed.
When i tried to create another webservice client i was able to deploy and run the webservice (below one)
Is it some thing to do with the webservice locally hosted ? can any body suggest me some thing.
I am using
http://netbeans.org/kb/61/websvc/client.html as a starting point to create webservices client in netbeans.