Thank you very much for your reply.
I have wired clients and wireless clients. For wireless clients, the only communication between Server and client is via HTTP messaging, message body is in XML format.
The wireless client (iPhone, Blackberry, Android...) can do whatever they want with the returned data.
My wired clients (also for
testing purposes) are Web Browser users. They URL into the Server and see the Home Page. they clicked something and a customized HTTP Request Form shows up for them to enter data. This HTTP Request Form is the View ('V' of the MVC) that the Server presents.
User done entering data and click a SEND button. The Server than use the Form data to compose a HTTP Response in XML format to be sent back to the sender URL. For testing in wired connections via the Internet, the Server side returns a View of a customized HTTP Response message Form to display what data has been sent.
My Web Service is acting both as a Server and a Client because it is capable of receiving HTTP Request and sending HTTP Response back. Only for testing, the HTTP Response will be displayed on a web page to show the user what has been sent. This is also a View (i.e. the HTTP Response View) that the Server puts out under the MVC model.
For wireless endpoints, they send HTTP Request to Server and get back HTTP Response, that's it. The Server currently do the following:
Now, the Server returns a long
string to be displayed on the screen. I will change it to return a HttpResponse View with data. That way, any browser accessing my Server will see Forms to enter data and Forms to see what they had sent.
Ultimately, the Service will have to distinguish between wired and wireless HTTP requests. For wireless request, under the MVC model, instead of returning a View (*.jspx) to the DefaultHandler() and display this View on the client browser, I think I will have to return NULL to get MVC to send back just a HTTP Response message to the sender URL (the wireless device).
There are a few things that I simply don't know how to go about doing it yet (using the MVC model). For now, I want to get the wired web client working (i.e. to consume my Web services, put the composed Response message onto a Form to be shown on the Requestor's browser.
In this scenario, do I need a separate Web Client?
Thank you so much for reading thru my problem.
Any help will be tremendously appreciate.