posted 14 years ago
I have a Table in which you are only supposed to be able to change the state of the checkbox if you click on the checkbox, and not if you click outside of it (note: the code right now assume that the checkbox is completely aligned to the lift, which it is not, but that has got nothing to do with the problem). However it does still change the state, even if you click outsite of it.
If you click only on the checkbox, the muoseevent will run, however if you click ones outside it, and click ones more on the same cell (doesn't matter if you click inside or oteside the checkbox), the MouseEvent will not run until you change the cell.
And if you click on one checkbox, change to the next checkbox, and then change back to the previous one (meaning you only click ones on the sames checkbox), it seems that, for example if the checkbox is"true", it will first change to" false" and then back to "true" again, and the opposite works too, every time you change the check box you click on. Which results in that you will have to click twice on the checkbox, when you change to it, after having clicked on another checkbox (or cell on another row)
The mouse clicked method, for some reason never seems to run too. That method have to be called manually from the other event methods if it are ro be run.
This code can compile and run, and it shows the problems I have. I don't think I could skip any of it.