Hi David,
I haven't been able to get my hands on logging, but I checked out the server log. I got these warnings/errors while deploying the app. Could you let me know if this indicates any problem? I'm using glass fish v3 server.
I have around 20 of these kind of errors, for various classes, like for Execute and Wait Interceptor, AnnotationValidationInterceptor, StrutsConversionErrorInterceptor etc.
Am I missing something? I added all of the struts 2.0.14 jar files to the libraries of my current project.
And then I get this log, when I try to perform an action.
Does this help to trace the problem?
PS: There is some problem with netbeans 6.8 +
tomcat 6.0. I can't get the application running. So, I'm using glassfish. With this atleast I can see the index page
Thanks in advance.