hello friends,
after searching a lot about session maintainning ...didn't get clear answer...so i just popup here for better solution..
1st time using the session in
java web application...so little bit confused about the way of doing..
now in my application i am coming to login part...
well i have done little stuff for that..
there is one method for checking the right user from database table in my stateles session bean which reside in the
ejb module,
also there the web service and the web module which contains
jsf and managed bean..
i am calling the method of session bean wia web service..
successfully configure about the registerd user login...but abot the session maintainance got confused of how to do...
here is my work..
well i have redirected after successful login to welcome.jsf
upto this working...now about getting the session value to the new page bt printing the logged username...m confused of how to do...
have tried by using session.getattribute("username") to the other page but not getting value.
so i want to know the proper way of doing it...
as initial stage i have not assigned the user role..
bt want to do as if admin doing login the redirect to the admin's home page..
is it possible ? how to do it..
please guide me...
many thanks..