SCJP 6.0 96%
(Connecting the Dots ....)
SCJP 6.0 96%
(Connecting the Dots ....)
Marriage Made in Heaven
Life is easy because we write the source code.....
SCJP 6.0 96%
(Connecting the Dots ....)
Sahil Rally wrote:Please do post questions like me whenever you encounter any good question....
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SCJP 6.0 96%
(Connecting the Dots ....)
Pramod P Deore wrote:I think the answer is
If magicSunOfficialSecretNumber value is less than 128 then answer will be
I no good English.
Martin Vanyavchich
I would just add, that (k == l) returns true if magicSunOfficialSecretNumber is within [-128, 127]
No Dream Too Big
I would just add, that (k == l) returns true if magicSunOfficialSecretNumber is within [-128, 127]
p.s. can there be more than one question of the day?
SCJP 6.0 96%
(Connecting the Dots ....)
I no good English.
" I don't believe in failure. It is not failure if you enjoyed the process. " - Rajesh Lohani
Martin Vanyavchich wrote:I can't find the thread that had the explanation
I think it was an older thread referenced in one of the newer ones. Is the answer somehow related to byte range?
" I don't believe in failure. It is not failure if you enjoyed the process. " - Rajesh Lohani
Lalit Mehra wrote:
Martin Vanyavchich wrote:I can't find the thread that had the explanation
I think it was an older thread referenced in one of the newer ones. Is the answer somehow related to byte range?
I agree ... there is not enough explanation given ... although the answer is true, false
it is somehow related to byte i know as one of my friends stated above... but i can't figure it out ...
No Dream Too Big
" I don't believe in failure. It is not failure if you enjoyed the process. " - Rajesh Lohani
" I don't believe in failure. It is not failure if you enjoyed the process. " - Rajesh Lohani
No Dream Too Big
SCJP 6.0 96%
(Connecting the Dots ....)
Sahil Rally wrote:Did anyone liked my variable name "magicSunOfficialSecretNumber" ??? or it was silly ???
Martin Vanyavchich wrote:Something similar was discused in another thread not long ago. Pramod P Deore is right.
Pramod P Deore wrote:I think the answer is
If magicSunOfficialSecretNumber value is less than 128 then answer will be
I would just add, that (k == l) returns true if magicSunOfficialSecretNumber is within [-128, 127]
p.s. can there be more than one question of the day?
Marriage Made in Heaven
Sun Certified Java Programmer with 93 percent
Sandra Bachan wrote:
Martin Vanyavchich wrote:Something similar was discused in another thread not long ago. Pramod P Deore is right.
Pramod P Deore wrote:I think the answer is
If magicSunOfficialSecretNumber value is less than 128 then answer will be
I would just add, that (k == l) returns true if magicSunOfficialSecretNumber is within [-128, 127]
p.s. can there be more than one question of the day?
OK, now this makes sense. I didn't realize Integer.valueOf() was a method that returned an int, not an Integer object......
M.Sc. in CS, OCPJP6 93%
Mike Peters
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Mike Peters
M.Sc. in CS, OCPJP6 93%
Unmesh Chowdhury wrote:Do you mean Unmesh?
Is my reasoning is totally ridiculous? Sorry, this question is not read from any journal. This question is seen here first.
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Other Certs: SCEA Part 1, Part 2 & 3, Core Spring 3, TOGAF part 1 and part 2
M.Sc. in CS, OCPJP6 93%
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