I've noticed this issue appear in multiple posts in this sub-forum. I apologize if this is the wrong spot to bring this up, but I think it might be helpful.
I've been reading up on
servlet programming in Core Servlets and JavaServer Pages, Vol. 1 by Marty Hall. One of the conventions which this book uses is that the first line of the Document Descriptor is
The author explains that the encoding allows it to work with both serlets 2.3 (
JSP 1.2) and servlets 2.4 (JSP 2.0). However, this appears in a number of threads where someone has said that it was causing their servlet to not be recognized. Apparently, in some cases, substituting UTF-8 for ISO-8859-1 has resolved the issue. Since this is a popular book, perhaps this would be a good addition to the FAQ under things to check if your servlet is not working?
Has anyone had this issue with Headfirst Servlets?