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Candidates will receive a beta exam score report approximately 11 weeks after the close of the Beta Exam
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Devaka Cooray wrote:
Candidates will receive a beta exam score report approximately 11 weeks after the close of the Beta Exam
Do they provide a certificate or just only the score report?![]()
SCJP6, SCWCD5, OCP-JBCD5, OCE-JWSD6 OCE-JPAD6 , OCM-JEA5 1,OCM-JEA5 2,3,OCJP8 - Brainbench certifications: J2EE, Java2, Java2-NonGUI, JSP, SQL2000 Admin, SQL2000 Programming , Brainbench certified Java Programmer, Computer Programmer, Web Developer, Database Administrator
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Rajeev Rnair wrote:Hello guys,
Usually how long it takes a Beta exam to become an official exam? I checked the exam objectives in the above link and it is almost same as the current exam. But when you look at the Training course details, JDBC, JPA, AJAX etc are added. I am currently preparing for the SCWCD exam and planning to take the exam in July. Should I wait for some time to see how things progress with the J2EE6 exam?
Please advice!
Christophe Verré wrote:I find the word "Servlette" very cute.
Christophe Verré wrote:I find the word "Servlette" very cute.
Create a Client that Sends a Message to a JMS Queu
SCJP - 5.0
Nothing the same since yesterday and it will be always different as of this moment
Keep MoVIng ForWaRD...
Gwapo Tisoy wrote:Does anyone knows when are they going to release the SCWCD 6? I have plan to take SCWCD 5. Any words of advise if I will need to wait for the SCWCD 6 before starting my review.
By the way, I just bought my Head First Servlets and JSP and I am planning to buy the Charles Lyons and because of the Oracle updates, I won't buy Charles version for now. Any suggestion is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance....
Vijitha Kumara wrote:3-5 hrs with 215 questions way too much I guess. Maximum 100 tough questions would be acceptable if they want to make it more harder to pass.
Theodore Casser
Code Poet
Gwapo Tisoy wrote:I am planning to buy the Charles Lyons and because of the Oracle updates, I won't buy Charles version for now. Any suggestion is greatly appreciated.
Charles Lyons wrote:
The new login/logout methods on HttpServletRequest (minor but useful API change)
Devaka Cooray wrote:
Candidates will receive a beta exam score report approximately 11 weeks after the close of the Beta Exam
Do they provide a certificate or just only the score report?![]()
SCJP 6 (78%)
Pradeep bhatt wrote:Who will pay for beta exam
Enjoy life!
Ziyang Zhang wrote:When will Oracle issue the formal version for SCWCD on JEE6? I am preparing for scwcd 310-083. I don't want to work on the old exam and work in vain...
Nikhil Shah Jain wrote:Whats the duration or the time limit??!!
Ziyang Zhang wrote:
Nikhil Shah Jain wrote:Whats the duration or the time limit??!!
I am sorry I didn't take it.
Renato Losio - - [email protected]
Renato Losio wrote:
I have a SCWCD 1.4 certification. I registered few days ago for the new beta test CX-311-085 (exam on Sep 30).
I still have (and can still review) old Manning SCWCD Exam Study Kit book (2nd edition) but of course I need to focus on the differences between 1.4 and EE6 certifications. I see few comments here, a couple of extra questions:
- assuming no book cover yet the beta one, is it worth to buy a SCWCD 1.5 book and if so which one? Reading feedbacks on Amazon had the feeling that many were simply again 1.4 with a new title/sticker.
- what should I mainly focus for EE6?
- am I losing my time and 33£? I still anyway feel good to revise![]()
Enjoy life!
Ziyang Zhang wrote:
I am using this one:
I think it's good for scwcd 1.5, not sure about the new exam.
Renato Losio - - [email protected]
Charles Lyons wrote:My guess is that if there are any changes, they'll be to test on Servlet 3.0, which basically means knowing:
Annotations rather than deployment descriptor elements Asynchronous request/response lifecycle Programatically adding servlets/filters/listeners (actually useful?!) The extra convenience methods and annotations in the API (e.g. for file uploading) The new login/logout methods on HttpServletRequest (minor but useful API change)
I'd be surprised if anything else made it into a new exam...
Oracle Certified Master Java SE6 Developer(SCJD),
OCE JEE 6 JSP and Servlets Developer,
Java EE6 Java Server Faces Developer.
Oracle Certified Master Java SE6 Developer(SCJD),
OCE JEE 6 JSP and Servlets Developer,
Java EE6 Java Server Faces Developer.
Oracle Certified Master Java SE6 Developer(SCJD),
OCE JEE 6 JSP and Servlets Developer,
Java EE6 Java Server Faces Developer.
Liviu Carausu wrote:Hi.
I took yesterday the beta exam. I looked today in the my sun/oracle account (
and the test is not mentioned there as being taken. Is it normal ? It takes more days to actualize the state or what ?
Beta test results are normally announced after a couple of months (10 weeks as mentioned above). Be patient and check the site after 10 weeks. 8-)
Best regards,
Oracle Certified Master Java SE6 Developer(SCJD),
OCE JEE 6 JSP and Servlets Developer,
Java EE6 Java Server Faces Developer.
Yes, of course, and I accept that blame. In fact, i covet that blame. As does this tiny ad:
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