You *could* just do a forward or redirect. But if you're hitting something within your application it'd be much, much cleaner to just return a result name.
Thanks for your reply David, Yes you are right but my interceptors not every time call the forward Action. Based on users request it should dynamically knows that is this request should be forward to action or it should be normal invoke..
currently i am return the invocation.invoke(); how can i do it dinamically?
What my requirement is that.. I have written one Interceptor and this works normally like for each and every request its get the data form session and check with DB and based on users request it should go to that particular action class and execute normally.
Currently what I am going to change this interceptor like in that session details matches with DB details then I need to directly forward that user to his account page.. if the session data not matches with DB then I will do the normal process same as above..
For this how can I do this dynamically? And in this interceptor I will get the user account path form db.. so I need to forward that user to his account path.
So could you please help me how can I forward action inside my interceptor?
Yes is the path inside the application, and the path contains parameters also but i was get those parameters from the session. just i need to forward that path.. it look like "http://localhost:8080/test/ContractDetails.action?contract.contractId=188&contractId=188".
if the user is valid then i need to forwad to this action.
please help me how do i do it?
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