i have the same requirements ..can find a way to show / hide jboss portlets based on liscencing terms ..
but i found that the portlet related info are parsed into the database into JCR and user info in idm .. is there a way to manipulate this info to show hide portlets based on my dynamic terms
Every portlet can be shown or hid based on the user role. You have to define the role at the portlet-instance level.
And assign the roles to the users who need to view the portlet in your portal page.
Learn more about <security-constraint> at portlet & portal object level.
my app requires user to buy license on certain features as and when required and each license has an expiration .. so how could i fit my requirements to disable/enable the portlet according to these terms
i have created a jboss portlet application where i need to show/hide certain portlets based on the user liscence (say the customer enter a liscence key > the application validates the liscence and then enable a portlet which comes with the liscence .) how can i implement the said.
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