Hi there
Java ranchers,
Today, on the day my voucher expired, I passed the SCBCD exam with 85%. Got two young kids (1 and 3 years old) so postponed the exam, until I could no longer ;-)
What did I do...
I've got a couple of years project experience with EJB 2.x and EJB 3.0. That helped me get the basics rightRead O'Reilly's Enterprise Javabeans 3.0 (5th ed.) front to back (Love O'Reilly books). Emphasis on 'read'. I didn't do too much practical stuff like trying out the code examples or do the exercises in the JBoss workbook.Started out about two weeks ago with Whizlabs exam simulator, but their English phrasing and wording of questions and answers was quite confusing (read: Plain incorrect English). They're a UK company but they must have put a non-native English speaker on the SCBCD exam questions and answers.Ordered the Enthuware SCBCD v5 exam simulator one week ago and did a daily mock- or practice exam. I was very please with Enthuware's simulator. Only yesterday found out about the Leitner study method (Spaced_repetition), but if you're sill up for the exam I suggest you try it out. I took the time to write down the explanations of the answers I got wrong and compiled me a list of notes of around 20 pagesApart from reading Enthuware's explanations I also looked up stuff on answers I got wrong in the specifcations and Mikalai Zaikin's SCBCD 5.0 Study Guide. (Where did he find the time to compile such an extensive document full of wisdom?)
That's about it...
Good luck, if you're reading this and still up for the exam!
Johan Pelgrim, The Netherlands
SCJP 1.4, SCWCD 1.4, SCBCD 5.0