veebhu singh wrote:While trying to run BeerStrtus example given in book,...
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Devaka Cooray wrote:
veebhu singh wrote:While trying to run BeerStrtus example given in book,...
Which book? You may get more helpful responses if you copy that example here because not everyone has that whatever book.![]()
it is unable to locate org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.
SCJP 6 | SCWCD 5 | Javaranch SCJP FAQ | SCWCD Links
Ankit Garg wrote:
it is unable to locate org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.
If that's the case it means that you have not included Struts library files into your application. You can download Struts 1.x from here and then include its jar files into your application...
SCJP 6 | SCWCD 5 | Javaranch SCJP FAQ | SCWCD Links
Ankit Garg wrote:You should not put Struts jars in Tomcat libs folder. Only include Struts library files in your web application. Also don't use multiple Struts versions in your app, use a single version of Struts jars in your application...
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Ankit Garg wrote:What is the URL that you are entering in the browser?? I've not used Struts 1.x much, but looking at an example here, it seems that the path attribute of action tag in struts-config.xml should not have .do in the end...
Prakash Attur wrote:You will get blank page with the same URL when you return "null" from the execute method...I have experienced this once.. if you cant still get it, post your action class(i think thats the only part you have not posted here)..that will be easy to debug your problem...
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