I've already pointed out that it is completely useless in modern JSP. In fact, it was pretty useless in ancient JSP as well. I never used it for anything.
page & pageContext both are implicit objects in a JSP.
page is of type java.lang.Object & refers to the instance of servlet generated from 'this' JSP.
pageContext is of type javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext.
It does following:
1. provides methods to get & set attributes in different scopes.
2. provides methods to include or forward the current request to other active componets in the application
3. provides a mechanism to handle errorpage exceptionn processing.
4. provides mechanism to manage session usage by the page
As Bear suggested, there are better ways to deal with attributes in different scopes.
Nilesh Miskin
You don't know me, but I've been looking all over the world for. Thanks to the help from this tiny ad: