Please forgive me if am posting this topic in a wrong forum.
but i didnt find any suitable place to post it.
My problem is...am not able to uninstall
java from my machine. ( i wanted to install a new version).
i am using windows vista.
what i did is...
first of all i deleted the java files from "program files"
. there was 4 folders for 2 for jdk and 2 for JRE. ( firstly i installed the new version on top of old version. old version was from publisher "sun" and new version was from publisher "oracle")
went control panel and uninstalled java... but the new version not getting uninstalled properly...means a program with name"java" is still exists in control panel....old version uninstalled successfully
even i am not able to uninstall it using safe mode.
i tried deleting registry too..
now in programs.. i can see a program "java" while clicking on this ,i will get a message 'application not found"
I am not able to re install the new vesion with exe.
Please help me....