A good workman is known by his tools.
Either the <servlet> tags for the Struts action servlet or the <servlet-mapping> tags for the .do extension mapping or both not present in the web.xml file. I saw a case where the web.xml file had no elements other than the root element and so this error was occurring.
Typos or spelling errors in the struts-config.xml can lead to this error message. For example, missing a slash ("/") on a closing tag can have this effect.
Another element that must be present in the web.xml file is the load-on-startup element. This can be either an empty tag or can have an integer specified that indicates the priority of executing the associated servlet. The higher the number in the load-on-startup tags, the lower its priority.
Another possibility, related to need to use load-on-startup tag, is that precompiling JSPs using Struts can lead to this message as well.
A good workman is known by his tools.
Forget Steve. Look at this tiny ad:
Smokeless wood heat with a rocket mass heater