I need the log where
tomcat puts 404 type errors.
I am using: tomcat 6 on Centos 5.2
I have been getting 404 errors in applications deployed on tomcat. I was unable to find the logs where tomcat puts messages when it is unable to find requested files and other simple errors.
- I am not talking about stuff logged by applications, just 404 type stuff.
I checked <tomcat>/logs and found following types of files
catalina.out : contains startup and shutdown messages (mostly INFO messages)
catalina.<year-mm-dd>.log : contains same data as above file for its date
host-manager.year-mm-dd.log : empty (Seems to be meant for tomcat manger, I have not been using that)
localhost.year-mm-dd.log : some application related log message (org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext... INFO messages)
manager.year-mm-dd.log : empty
So, none of these contain the 404 errors. Since I installed tomcat by simply unpacking it in /usr/share I'm pretty sure it has no logs in /var/log (I checked and nothing for catlina or tomcat).
Any ideas?