To me, next thing is obviouse: If I have one dot rotating 10 degrees per step, I would do it so to calculate in advance those 36 locations of each 10 degree step, and those locations doesn't change, so, if I would have a dot rotating in 1 degree step, 360 steps, then I would have precalculated 360 locations, for one dot, but, also, if I would have 360 dots, that would use those 360 precalculated positions, then, when one dot moves, the other steps in, on the same position... and so, 360 dots, move to the the next position, which is in the same time the previous position of the next dot that moved as well... Or in another words, if in the circumference of the circle, with all dots rotating, one dot also rotating is in one moment at 45 degrees, and that same dot will be in the other moment at 120 degrees, as the whole circle rotated for 75 degrees, so that dot will be on the same place of the dot which was at 120 degrees when this dot was at 45, and this is with all the dots as well. Every dot travels the same path like any other dot, when one dot moves away, another slips in, on the same place, and that's how for all the dots in the circle. Let's say like this, every frame of an animation would look the same like a previous frame or any other frame. The only way to do it, by my opinion is to make a visual effect. For example, I am not enough experienced, but if
Java 2d uses antialiasing, then it is possible that "one dot", created by drawLine(x, y, 1, 1) or drawRect(x, y, 1, 1) or fillRect(x, y, 1, 1) , maybe it is possible that one dot would "cover" more pixels in different colors, and even on this way it would still be a nice static circle... Maybe it is possible to draw a "two positions" of a wheel rotating, where every even positon looks the same, and every odd position looks the same, and maybe even it makes a kind of a moving effect, but maybe it would look only like click-clack left-right.. Maybe then it would be better to have more than two positions which are repeated. But then, actually, I think, there should be left empty space for dots to travel, so that wheel would look like zebra maybe. Maybe then, those empty dots in between should be in lighter color, to fill the emptines till the full line. Other way would be to create a "bump" on a circumference of a circle, a dirt, like on a tire of a car.. you know how tire of a car looks to an eye, there are variouse visual illusions there... At the end, if you have a perfect circle perfectly rotating, or dots rotating, rotation is invisible.
For example, look at this smiley:
There is no problem in rotating one dot, or ten dots, but when there is enough dots to form unbreaked line of a circumference of a circle, then ... it's a circle. And, mathematically, all the dot's on the screen have to be calculated, as those dots belong to the circle, dots them selfs, their positions, are not moving any more... The circumference is not moving. So, if you have a full unbreaked line of circumference of the circle, made out od dots, those dots are also, always the same dots...
Like, for example, "theatre of the shadows", when one shadow is moved, and other moved exactely on the same place, that's how it can be created an illusion that nothing has moved at all.