Program simply connects to a server and gets back the response from the website.
It is working fine under the Windows XP env. (Response Code: 200, Response Message: OK) but when the same code is run on the
Unix m/c it connects to the website but gets a negative response (Response Code 401, Response Message Unauthorized).
I am using instance of class HttpURLConnection.
There are differences in the versions of
java used in both the enviornments.
java full version "1.5.0_14-b03"
java full version "1.4.2_06-b03"
In Unix I tried to ping the website using the ping command.
ping <website>
<website> is alive
Also tried to setting proxy server which my web browser was using in windows
It didnt help either. Is there some Unix enviornment related setting which can be configured in Java.
Kindly advise